Metallic Nail Polish
Say goodbye to boring nails and upgrade with the trendy, bright, mirrored effect polish.
Take your NAILS to the NEXT LEVEL with the use of METALLIC POLISH and feel the UPGRADE and have your NAILS look CLASSY and TRENDY.
METALLIC NAIL POLISH is a REGULAR nail polish but works like a GEL POLISH when applied. It is LONG LASTING as it could last for at least 14 DAYS. Its COLOR RESISTANT. It gives FULL COVERAGE to HIDE the imperfect surface, dents or nail cuts. Its BRIGHT, SHINY like a MIRROR when worn giving your nails the big attraction it deserves.
METALLIC NAIL POLISH is very EASY to USE and APPLY. Just apply it like the usual normal polish and let it dry the product itself will give the MIRRORED FUTURISTIC instantly. NO NEED for GEL POWDER or GEL SOUTION! It is also EASY TO REMOVE just use a nail polish remover and you can play with the colors as it has the WIDEST COLORS to choose from to match whatever suits your mood or your look.
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Amazing product