Electro Fleas Removal

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $45.90.Current price is: $22.95.

Electro Fleas Removal ensures a strong health of your pet!

This will not shock your pet… Why? You see the black silicon attached the device?
It’s already distance the device from your pet and the Voltage is only at 1.5V to 2V which means your pet is safe. That quickly kills fleas,but is harmles!


Fleas are painful for your cat or dog. When fleas bite, they can cause a flea allergy dermatitis, which causes itching, making your furry friend scratch and bite.

If you’re looking for an easy way of how to get rid of fleas, we have a simple solution. It is an electric flea comb that kills and stuns fleas without harming your pet.


The secret is that releases a slight electric charge as your brush the comb through your pet’s fur. It finds the fleas, kills them, and removes dead fleas from your pet’s coat(Silicons attached to prevent shocking your pet).
It’s so much easier than chemical baths and topical treatments. Plus, you see the results instantly, so there’s no wondering if the flea treatment is working or not.

Electro Fleas Removal, getting rid of fleas is as easy as brushing your pet and easily incorporates into your pet care routine!

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Electro Fleas Removal